Our Work

Mylec Hockey

For over 25 years, Mylec and Exsel have been working together to brand the street hockey giant’s company. Our longest client of record came to us to start their rebrand process, taking them from a standard sporting goods image to a premier equipment supplier. We took our inspiration from the grit and tenacity of old-school hockey players, and turned that into a refined, serious, contrasted look. Mylec has over 30 years in the sporting goods industry, manufacturing padding, goals, sticks, and accessories for street and Dek hockey.

We first tackled their logo, the winning composition being a positive M with a negative hockey player and a bright finish, typically against a black background textured with the weave of a net. The manufacturing process for their new look has made its way into big box retailers, sporting goods stores, and hockey shops all over the United States and Canada.

Our most recent projects with them have included a complete redesign of their product catalog, complete with all new photography done at the Exsel office, refreshed copy, and a very industry-forward design. Our partnership continues with various projects needing design and photography. Wherever you look in our office, you’ll find a stick or ball from Mylec!

Mylec Hockey Packaging Rebrand
Mylec Packaging Rebrand
Logo Redesign
Mylec Logo Redesign

Product Photography

Product Catalog
Mylec Product Catalog
Packaging Rebrand
Mylec Packaging Rebrand
Mylec Photography

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